You Should Check Out My Etsy Shop
Lagered IPA
Some things you should know about Camlachie:
- The beaches are among the best in the province
- The population is booming, going from 27 residents several years ago to well over 50 now
- 100% of households have an Etsy side hustle run out of their garage
You Should Check Out My Etsy Shop, an easy drinking 5% Lagered IPA, pays homage to this wonderful little hamlet. If you typically hate IPA's, you might actually like this one -it's right on the cusp of the style. It's super crisp and crushable with some mild citrus and a touch of juicyness.
And if you need a pair of hand-knit cat boots, a sign that says "Believe", or a sequin pillow sham with your face on it, you know where to go.

Brewed on our 3-barrel pilot system, each batch will yield around 300 litres, which means they will only be around for a tiny amount of time. No pressure...

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